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Minutes With Messiah

Articles in Audio Format

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I am now providing an audio version of each article. This is primarily in response to a request by a reader whose eyesight is less than it used to be. Although these are primarily intended for those with vision problems, others are more than welcome to listen to the articles. If you wish to use the audio versions of articles for other than personal use, the same copyright terms apply as to the print version.

These files are in mp3 format. If you are not a Mac user and can not open these files, please go to the Windows Download Pages to download the latest version of the Windows Media Player. These files may also be downloaded to a portable MP3 player if you prefer.

If you want audio files of articles not listed here (published before May 2005), please request them through my Ask a Question page. In the block for your question indicate that you want an audio file, and which article(s) you want.

Articles From 2014...

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Articles From 2013...

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Articles From 2012...

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Articles From 2011...

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Articles From 2010...

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Articles From 2009...

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Articles From 2008...

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Articles From 2007...

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Articles From 2006...

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Articles From 2005...

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