39376129 2334829817 519622109 90924235 Minutes With Messiah: In His Image
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In His Image

by Tim O'Hearn

Each year the Riverside church of Christ in Albuquerque hosts a youth rally known as “Spiritual Explosion. The theme for 2009 is “In His Image.” I am not an artist, to help with posters or decorations. Instead, I do what I can, and in this case it was the composition of the above song. I leave it to you to determine if I am any better a poet or composer than a painter. Just be kind, and don’t tell me if that is the case.

[Piano version of music] [Video sung by composer] [Vocal sound file] [Score of song]

I was badly scarred, and marred
By the things I loved in life.
Then I met the Master Painter
And he ended my strife.

Chorus: He painted me in his image.
He painted me without my sin.
And now I'm walking beside him.
He altered me from within.

I was ugly and alone
With noone to care for me,
But he saw my inner beauty,
And he taught me to see.

Chorus: He painted me in his image.
He painted me without my sin.
And now I'm walking beside him.
He altered me from within.

Now I know the one who sees,
With his eyes so full of love;
For he painted me a Savior
Who would take me above.

Chorus: He painted me in his image.
He painted me without my sin.
And now I'm walking beside him.
He altered me from within.

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